The Leeds Beth Din
Leeds Kashrut Authority
Founded in 1938
Over the last 150 years Leeds Jewry has been served by many distinguished Rabbonim. Each served in a congregational capacity but came together to form a Beth Din when needed. Each Rav had his own kashrus supervision set up. In 1938 on the advice of the then Chief Rabbi Dr Hertz a formal Beth Din was set up in Leeds. Its remit to be responsible for all matters relating to the Community i.e Shechita, Kashrus, Gittim, Mikva and Jewish status conversion. This has been the status quo since then. The Beth Din court room and offices are housed now at Etz Chaim Synagogue. In recent memory the then Chairmen of the Court have been the late Rabbi H.H Hurwitz, Rabbi Dr Solomon Fisch, Rabbi Dr Hillel Medalie, Dayan Joseph Apfel and lately Dayan Yehuda Refson zl.
Rabbi Shalom Kupperman was appointed associated Rav to the Beth Din in 2013 and is now The Rav since the passing of Dayan Refson in early 2020. Rabbi Anthony Gilbert is the Registrar to the Court since 1986.
In June 2021, Rabbi Kupperman was appointed Dayan and Av Beth Din by Chief Rabbi Mirvis and Dayan Gelley of the London Beth Din.
The aim of the Beth Din is to provide assistance in all Halachic matters and to preserve and strengthen religious practice in the community.